Classes Offered to Strengthen Your Health
Location: 907 Main St, Waltham, MA 02451
To register: Please Call (781) 642-6789 or fill out the registration form below.
Please bring payment with you to the first class.

Tai Chi Saturdays 12:30-1:30pm Tuesdays 6-7pm Please call or email for price info | Tai Chi for group and private lessons Please call or email for price info | Qi Gong Saturdays and Mondays 9-10am Please call or email for price info |

Healthy Cooking in this seminar we teach how to improve your health through easy and nutritious cooking $45.00 Please call for schedule. | Anti-aging Class $30.00 Please Call for schedule | Self Acu-Pressure This four-hour seminar is for anyone who would like to take care themselves by applying acu-pressure. Acupuncture points and meridians and their functions will be discussed. We will also teach techniques of self acu-pressure that treat common conditions such as stress, headache, insomnia, muscle soreness and your specific concerns. $50.00 Please Call for schedule |